The Reclaimed Root Series

  • "The Reclaimed Root" is a deeply personal journey into rediscovering and reconnecting with my own heritage and identity, as well as those of the vibrant communities that inspire me. This series draws from my reflections on the resilience and strength of marginalized communities, particularly LGBTQ artists and people of color, whose stories have often been silenced or overlooked.

    Inspired by my first paid photography gig with Quadre “REDD” Curry and the powerful work of King Khloe Katz’s “MAD” series, I have been moved to explore themes of visibility, self-expression, and reclamation. Quadre's dedication to pushing forward progressive media that focuses on people of color and the issues they face has significantly influenced my perspective. Similarly, King Khloe Katz’s embrace of rage and its transformative power as seen in “MAD” has inspired me to delve deeper into my own emotions and the process of reclaiming narratives.

    In "The Reclaimed Root," each piece reflects an act of reclaiming—whether it’s a connection to ancestral heritage, a reassertion of personal identity, or an exploration of communal ties. I use bold colors, dynamic compositions, and textured layers to symbolize the complexity and beauty of our roots. Gold leaf and glossy accents represent the hidden treasures within our histories, while the use of red conveys both passion and defiance.

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